The Community Connector role has been developed based on an initiative called “Social Prescribing”. Social Prescribing is a holistic, person-centered, community-based strategy aimed at addressing the social determinants of Health and combatting social isolation. The Community Connector program is funded through the Healthy Aging United Way grant.
When meeting with older adults, the Community Connector explores the various non-medical aspects of health and co-develops a Wellness Plan that enhances social/emotional health and removes barriers to optimum functioning.
At the PGCOS Senior Resource Center this looks like:
– Health benefit applications such as: Canada Dental Care Plan, MSP enrollment.
– Low-cost Counselling referrals.
– Transportation applications (HandyDart, Senior Bus passes, medical transportation).
– Farmer’s Market Coupon program.
-Exercise and Leisure Program referrals.
– Partnering with Seniors First BC to provide Advanced Planning Clinics.